Realizing The Future Webinar Series
The Greenwich Hospital Office of Development has launched a four-part Realizing the Future webinar series with the goal of bringing the latest news and developments from Greenwich Hospital to the greater community.
The next program, Realizing the Future: Outstanding Medical Care, Real Impact, Local Access will take place May 4, and feature two dynamic Greenwich Hospital doctors who are excited to share details about their work, which is dramatically impacting lives in our region.
Panelists are Sandra K. Wainwright, MD, Medical Director, Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Healing at Greenwich Hospital and Akli Zetchi, MD, Director of The Jean and David W. Wallace Medical Director Neurovascular Surgical Program at Greenwich Hospital. The program will also feature Greenwich Hospital President Diane P. Kelly and be moderated by Karen A. Santucci, MD, SVP & Chief Medical Officer at Greenwich Hospital.
The virtual series kicked off in September 2020 with, Realizing the Future: Growth, Responsibility & Leadership in Health Care, and was followed in November with, Realizing the Future: The Intersection of Medicine and Compassionate Care, and in February with, Realizing the Future: Smilow Cancer Center Greenwich at the Forefront of Breakthroughs and Opportunities in Cancer Treatment,
To watch past recorded programs and to learn more about upcoming programs visit our Webinar Series Events Page.