GH Honors Supporters with Belle Haven Reception and Film Premiere
Friends and supporters of Greenwich Hospital gathered at the Belle Haven Club on April 13 for an evening reception and viewing of the short film, Restoration: Thread and Gold, created in gratitude to the community.
The short documentary, which was produced by the Greenwich Hospital Office of Development, is the first in a series, and featured Gen Saratani, a Japanese lacquer artist, and Dr. Sarah Lambert, a Greenwich-based Yale Medicine pediatric urologist and associate professor of urology with the Yale School of Medicine. The two film subjects, who attended the event, each shined light on the art of healing through their respective disciplines.
Greenwich Hospital President Diane P. Kelly welcomed guests and reflected on the core meaning of the film: “Our focus this evening surrounds the heart of what Greenwich Hospital stands for. Our hospital represents a space in people’s lives that centers around healing — for ourselves and for our loved ones. It’s a treasured responsibility for each and every one of us at Greenwich Hospital that has and will continue to guide us.”
Greenwich Hospital Board Chairman W. Robert Berkley, Jr. introduced the film and thanked guests, many of whom are long-time donors, hospital friends, volunteers, and dedicated supporters.
“Since Greenwich Hospital’s founding in 1903, its history has been intertwined with the partnership of friends and volunteers,” he said. “That collaboration, and related commitment to philanthropy, has enlivened the growth of Greenwich Hospital for many generations. Most recently, over the past several years, that commitment to philanthropy by our community has helped us realize another chapter of great growth for our hospital.”
The festive evening, the first in-person event Greenwich Hospital has hosted since the start of the pandemic, included a cocktail reception followed by the film premiere and time to meet with Hospital leadership.