COVID-19 sparks community kindness
Social distancing has become the new norm in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, yet that has not stopped our community from coming together in support of the frontline healthcare workers at Greenwich Hospital.
From free car washes in order to sanitize caregivers’ cars to discounted hotel rooms, individuals, families, groups of friends and businesses are coming together in acts of kindness.
The generosity spans from Greenwich, Westchester, New York City, Stamford and many surrounding towns. Area restaurants and caterers are preparing hot meals, delivering individually packaged lunches and dinners to feed clinical staff. Town residents are also making monetary donations to their favorite restaurants, which, in turn, are providing meals to hospital staff.
The care is demonstrated in the simple comforts of Girl Scout cookie donations to beautifully handmade and packaged cakes. In addition, community members are donating medical supplies that caregivers need to stay safe; and individuals and organizations are hand-sewing protective face masks.
Donations of personal protective equipment such as disposable face masks and gowns are being processed at a centralized command center at Yale New Haven Health. More information can be found on our COVID-19 Resources page. Meals for Greenwich Hospital staff have been booked out seven weeks. For those interested in making a future meal donation, please contact
The Greenwich Hospital Office of Development has established two COVID-19 emergency funds. One support fund will be directed toward capital expenses, including equipment. The second support fund will be dedicated toward operational expenses. These funds will enable our clinical staff to sustain their resilience and continue to provide safe, high-quality care to our patients and community. Learn more about how to support these funds.